Can I continue taking my prescribed medications safely during this cleanse?
If you feel you need your medications, please take them. if you feel you can detox from them for ten days you can always try and see how you feel. But this is up to you. Remeber you are detoxing at your own risk. If you feel strongly you need your medication, do not stop taking it.
Should I continue taking my daily supplements during the cleanse?
You do not need to take any supplements during the ten days, other than the ones we provide.
What is the serving size of the soups?
2-4 Serving sizes. You should have enough for left overs.
Should physical activity be changed at all during the cleanse?
You can still exercise. Just take it lighter and observe how you feel. If you are feeling tired, honor your body and don’t over do it. If you are feeling energy this is a good time to do some light exercise.
Can I do this if I am nursing or pregnant?
We do not recommend this detox for anyone pregnant, or nursing. Between the diet and daily herbs we do not want you to risk your milk supply drying up, or not getting enough of what you need while pregnant.
Do I need to take work off to complete this cleanse?
This is a gentle cleanse. Everyones experience can be a little different. You may have days where you feel amazing, fueled and energized. You may have days where you feel your body needs to rest and take it easy.
As far as feeling like you need to stay stuck to the toilet, that is not the case. You'll go to the bathroom like regular during your daily enema. Most people are fine to go on with their day to day activities as usual. But again, this is your time to renew, reset and go within. We recommend to observe and honor how you are feeling.
Is this cleanse safe for kids?
We cannot recommend this to anyone under 18.
Do I have to cleanse during the Full Moon?
No you do not. We say, anytime you cleanse is a good time to cleanse.
With that being said, parasites are proven to be most active during the Full Moon.